Worked out some kinks in the system today
Woke up wondering if I had forgotten anything. And yes, the list I made reminded me of the myriad of items to complete. Still, all seemed smooth.
Opened up my emails and found many from people and friends I had not heard from for years. That is always nice. Duke Underwood, my Dean, mentor and friend from USC Film School, wrote a lovely note congratulating me. And there were many others.
Went to Fairhope brewery before lunch to visit with a coupe of friends - Paul, who works there one day a week, and John, who wanted to get a tour of the place (and is an avid beer drinker -- as well as Paul.)
Below is Paul, giving us the tour
I was able to meet one of the owners, Jim, and he slowed down enough to let us take a picture with my friend John and me
It is ironic for me to walk through a microbrewery, being that I haven't had a beer since I was seventeen. Still, it was interesting, and the process was explained by Paul in very understandable terms. Makes me 'almost' want to try one. Here is their fare...
Back to the book
So I went back and forth today and finally found the link to the ebook of The Seekers, Lost Tomb of Alexander for Amazon. It is now fixed on the sales page. But here it is just in case:
Booked my trip today to go to Los Angeles. Funny how airlines work. One moment, the fare is X, then next Y. I have actually gone on another computer and found the same flights for less. Seems they track what you are looking for and, what, bump up the price? Who knows.
Posting another number of stories tonight on Unexplained Archcology, so go there and have fun reading them.
By for now.
One last thing. I want to congratulate my friend LeVar Burton, Mark Wolfe and their entire team for making history with their Kickstarter campaign for Reading Rainbow.
I will have an announcement later this week about how I am going to help them too.